About Newcastle Disease
Newcastle disease (ND) is a viral threat to the poultry industry that can have a quick performance-eroding effect on entire flocks, restricting international trade. It is transmitted by direct contact with the droppings of infected birds and with contaminated objects such as shoes, clothing and equipment. Signs of the disease include loss of appetite, coughing, diarrhea, paralysis and sudden death, as well as a drop in egg production and discoloring of eggs.

ND is a threat to chicken health and egg quality that requires repeated vaccination to maintain long-term protection for the flock.
Innovax®-ND-IBD protects flocks against Newcastle disease, Marek’s disease and infectious bursal disease in a single dose. Innovax-ND-IBD may be used with several other MSD Animal Health vaccines to offer customized protection for your flock. For full safety and efficacy information, refer to local labeling, or consult your veterinarian.
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