MSD Animal Health supports the Gustav Rosenberger Memorial Fund Award for young and promising bovine veterinarians
Open for application until September 1, 2020
The Gustav Rosenberger Memorial Fund is seeking young and promising bovine veterinarians from all over the world to apply for this year’s grant award to support increased education inbovine veterinary medicine. The Gustav Rosenberger Memorial Fund is a tribute to Dr Gustav Rosenberger, the founding father of the World Association for Buiatrics.
The objective of the fund is to further improve bovine medicine at an international level and to stimulate bovine research in its broadest sense. During the years many young scientists from South America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa have been awarded with grants to be used for educational and research purposes. MSD Animal Health is once again sponsoring the Gustav Rosenberger Memorial Fund.
The recipient of the 2020 award will receive a EUR 10,000 grant to be used for education of at least three months at a well-known university or institute, with the specific goal to increase the candidate’s knowledge in bovine veterinary medicine.
In 2020, this award will be presented during the annual general meeting of the European College of Bovine Health Management. Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, this will be an online event that will take place on Tuesday 29 September.
Young scientists can now apply for this award. Click here to access the application form on the Gustav Rosenberger Memorial Fund website.
The application deadline is September 1, 2020
For more information and the Memorial Fund and grant program, please visit the Gustav Rosenberger Memorial Fund website.